domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

Green Engineering

Green Engineering is something new professionals should take into account. It is important in order to make and design products that are environmentally friendly, specially in this time of environmental crisis. IBM gives a big example of the efficiency of these techniques, they've been creating equipments with less and less power consumption, which equates to less greenhouse gas emissions and more economic devices, and all of these benefits without losing any computing capacity. But this is only 2% of the total power consumption, the information technology, but what about the rest, people are already starting to take measures in things like transport which is a big source of pollution, they are designing new souces of energy besides gas fuel such as electricity and hydrogen which are much less threatening to the environment. By taking some initiatives regarding green engineering people could get benefits in the finantial area by saving money with these green low power devices, and would avoid any problem regarding possible environmental regulatory measures from authorities, besides it would benefit the planet by reducing your greenhouse gas emissions and reducing your power demand.

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